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Journaling with fountain pens

Journaling with fountain pens

Our experience using fountain pens goes back to school days, with ink stains and smudged writing. New generation didn't had the chance to even use one thus trending towards using ballpoint pens made fountain pens disappear!

However, in response to the digital age, there has been a trend towards the traditional craft of handwriting and the fountain pen. Thanks to the Brands! Who knew that fountain pen would come back again when there are plenty of digital writing method's just a few clicks, within a second you can email or text these days.

Writing with a fountain pen is more pleasurable than ballpoints or gel pens. The joys of hearing a fountain pen gliding quietly across a page lets you think more precise. It is hard to describe in words on the other hand you have the option to choose between hundreds of ink colors! It is the beauty of using a fountain pen. 

Why use a fountain pen - Ziaul, Journal

When it comes to bullet journaling, I mostly use fountain pens with different inks it helps to differentiate the task for example, important task are written in red color whereas, you can also use certain inks for each individual segments. Makes it more attractive and you can clearly notice which one you are looking for. There are lots of ways to decorate your journal, using washi tapes, vintage stamps, cards and etc.  

Bullet Journaling - Ziaul

If you find someone using a fountain pen at work that means he/she is serious about his/her job. 

Check Out Our Bullet Journal Collection Below-

You can choose your first fountain pen from our vast range. If you need any guide do not hesitate to contact us through email or Facebook messenger. We are always here to help you out with the perfect pen, ink and paper bundles.  

Happy writing!

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